Welcome to my website

Nice to meet you, this is my website which contain my cover letter, my curriculum vitae (CV) and my portfolio in the fields of Data sciences and Data analytics. Also, this is my first time to coding html and css language. After I graduated I have work in the hospitality filed and I came across to this data analytics field. I have put my effort on this field because I found the large opportunity in the future to use the data to improve business. Please feel free to visit my website. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to contacted me (email)

    The purpose
  • It easier to everyone reading my cover letter from my website.
  • Practicing my coding skills to build websites
My link: Linktree

My resume

My Cover Letter


My Blog

My Cover Letter (CV)

This is my cover letter apply for the job position are including my experiences, education and certification.

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I do some mini project when I was take a BootCamp course and my own analyze the data. It's including 3 programming languages such as SQL, R programming and Python. Also, I did some visualization using by Power BI and Teableau Desktop.

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